JPMorgan Funds - Global Short Duration Bond Fund C Fonds

106,10 USD +0,18 USD +0,17 %
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Top Holdings

Chart Asset Allocation
Name ISIN Anteil
United States Treasury Notes 3.75% US91282CLH24 10,11%
Spain (Kingdom of) 2.8% ES0000012L29 5,11%
Italy (Republic Of) 3.35% IT0005584849 4,28%
Italy (Republic Of) 3.4% IT0005521981 3,88%
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 0.5% GB00BLPK7227 3,75%
Spain (Kingdom of) 3.5% ES0000012M51 3,58%
Canada (Government of) 0.25% CA135087L518 3,55%
Germany (Federal Republic Of) 2.9% DE000BU22056 3,29%
JPM USD Liquidity LVNAV X (dist.) LU0103813985 3,08%
Kreditanstalt Fur Wiederaufbau 3.125% DE000A351MT2 2,76%
Sonstige 56,62%