Global Evolution Funds Frontier Markets I DD Fonds

92,24 USD +0,01 USD +0,01 %
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Top Holdings

Chart Asset Allocation
Name ISIN Anteil
Zambezi B.V. 14% XS2619993665 3,16%
Ecuador (Republic Of) 5.5% XS2214238441 2,50%
Kenya (Republic of) 18.4607% KE8000006430 2,50%
Argentina (Republic Of) 4.125% US040114HT09 2,20%
Dominican Republic Banco Central 8% XS2443892281 2,00%
Ivory Coast (Republic Of) 4.875% XS2264871828 1,90%
Mozambique (Republic of) 9% XS2051203862 1,79%
The Independent State of Papua New Guinea 8.375% USY6726SAP66 1,71%
Angola (Republic of) 9.375% XS1819680528 1,58%
Pakistan (Islamic Republic of) 0% PK12T2905254 1,55%
Sonstige 79,12%