DWS Eurorenta Fonds

47,75 EUR -0,12 EUR -0,25 %
47,59 EUR -0,12 EUR -0,25 %
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Top Holdings

Chart Asset Allocation
Name ISIN Anteil
Italy (Republic Of) 0.85% IT0005390874 3,26%
Italy (Republic Of) 3.5% IT0005024234 3,07%
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 0.25% GB00BLPK7110 2,91%
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 3.25% GB00B84Z9V04 2,60%
Italy (Republic Of) 6% XS0089572316 1,63%
France (Republic Of) 1.25% FR0013154044 1,63%
Italy (Republic Of) 1.65% IT0005094088 1,50%
Deutsche Bahn Finance GmbH (Berlin) 1.375% XS1640854144 1,42%
Kommuninvest I Sverige AB 1% SE0012569572 1,38%
Hungary (Republic Of) 1.125% XS2161992198 0,95%
Sonstige 79,65%