CT (Lux) Sustainable Multi-Asset Income Fund I Fonds

11,80 EUR +0,03 EUR +0,25 %
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Top Holdings

Chart Asset Allocation
Name ISIN Anteil
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GB00BM8Z2S21 8,06%
Germany (Federal Republic Of) DE0001030732 3,17%
Germany (Federal Republic Of) DE000BU3Z005 3,10%
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GB00BM8Z2V59 2,96%
Microsoft Corp US5949181045 2,11%
Germany (Federal Republic Of) DE0001030716 1,71%
NVIDIA Corp US67066G1040 1,64%
Germany (Federal Republic Of) DE0001030724 1,58%
European Investment Bank US298785JV96 1,32%
Care REIT Ord GB00BYXVMJ03 1,08%
Sonstige 73,27%