AB - Asia Pacific Local Currency Debt Portfolio C2 H Fonds

13,00 EUR -0,21 EUR -1,59 %
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Top Holdings

Chart Asset Allocation
Name ISIN Anteil
Korea 10 Year Bond Future June 22 KR4167S60009 13,40%
China Development Bank 3.48% CND10001WKZ7 9,83%
AB China Bond SA CNH LU1238072273 6,25%
Singapore (Republic of) 2.375% SG31A0000001 5,99%
Thailand (Kingdom Of) 1.585% TH062303FC01 5,47%
Indonesia (Republic of) 8.75% IDG000011701 5,33%
The Republic of Korea 1.25% KR103501GB34 4,59%
10 Year Australian Treasury Bond Future June 22 4,32%
The Republic of Korea 1.5% KR103501GA35 4,29%
Malaysia (Government Of) 3.757% MYBMY1900052 3,79%
Sonstige 36,72%