

1.099 Fonds Ergebnisse

Name WKN KVG F-Fex
1J Perf.
5J Perf.
10J Perf.
in Mio.
UBAM - Swiss Small And Mid Cap Equity IHC USD Fonds A2P53D UBP Asset Management 8,55 18,98 - 145,35
UBAM - Swiss Small And Mid Cap Equity IHC GBP Fonds A2N7ZM UBP Asset Management 19,58 - - 145,35
UBAM - Swiss Small And Mid Cap Equity IPC CHF Fonds A2JKBS UBP Asset Management 5,07 4,98 - 145,35
UBAM - Swiss Small And Mid Cap Equity IPD CHF Fonds UBP Asset Management - - - 145,35
UBAM - Swiss Small And Mid Cap Equity UC CHF Fonds A2P77S UBP Asset Management 4,75 - - 145,35
UBAM - Swiss Small And Mid Cap Equity UD CHF Fonds A2P53F UBP Asset Management 4,76 4,55 - 145,35
UBAM - Swiss Small And Mid Cap Equity UHD EUR Fonds A409R0 UBP Asset Management - - - 145,35
UBAM - UBAM - 30 Global Leaders Equity YD EUR Fonds A3EYDQ UBP Asset Management - - - 1698,08
UBP Asset Allocation - Balanced Portfolio EUR AD Inc Fonds A3C23C UBP Asset Management 9,38 - - 333,42
UBP Asset Allocation - Balanced Portfolio EUR Acc Fonds A1WY44 UBP Asset Management 9,79 15,38 30,92 333,42
UBP Asset Allocation - Balanced Portfolio EUR Inc Fonds UBP Asset Management 1,12 - - 333,42
UBP Asset Allocation - Balanced Portfolio EUR MC Acc Fonds A3C23K UBP Asset Management 9,37 - - 333,42
UBP Asset Allocation - Dynamic Portfolio EUR AC USD Acc Fonds A1WY49 UBP Asset Management 12,59 22,39 43,61 63,24
UBP Asset Allocation - Dynamic Portfolio USD AC USD Acc Fonds A3C23M UBP Asset Management 13,42 - - 89,77
UBP Asset Allocation - Dynamic Portfolio EUR AC EUR Acc Fonds A3DLP6 UBP Asset Management 11,97 - - 63,24
UBP Asset Allocation - Dynamic Portfolio USD AD USD Inc Fonds A3DLP5 UBP Asset Management 13,43 - - 89,77
UBP Asset Allocation - Dynamic Portfolio EUR AD EUR Inc Fonds A3C23D UBP Asset Management 11,96 - - 63,24
UBP Asset Allocation - Dynamic Portfolio USD MC Acc Fonds A1WY47 UBP Asset Management 13,99 29,79 57,96 89,77
UBP Flex - Walking Tree AEPC USD Fonds UBP Asset Management - - - 14,45
UBP Flex - Walking Tree IEPC USD Fonds UBP Asset Management - - - 14,45