The Fund’s objective is to outperform by 2.5% per year the benchmark index, which is denominated in USD and made up of 50% JPM EMBI Global Diversified and 50% JPM GBI EM Global Diversified unhedged, as further described below. The benchmark index is not hedged against currency risk and is made up in equal proportions of the two following indices: (i) The J.P. Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index Global Diversified (JPM EMBI-GD) index, denominated in USD, represents the performance of the sovereign debts of approximately sixty emerging countries issued in hard currencies (external debt); and (ii) The J.P. Morgan Government Bond Index Emerging Market Global Diversified (JPM GBI-EM GD), denominated in local currencies, represents the performance of the sovereign debts of sixteen emerging countries issued in local currencies (domestic debt); (the “Benchmark”).