The Fund’s objective is to outperform
- the daily compounded EONIA index by 2% for EUR-I units, by 1.60% for EUR-R units, by 1.10% for EUR-SR units, and by 1.90% for EUR-N units;
- the CHF 1-month LIBOR by 1.60% for HCHF-R units, by 1.10% for HCHF-SR units, by 1.90% for HCHF-N units, and by 2% for HCHF-I units;
- the JPY 1-month Libor interest rate by 2% for HJPY-I units;
- the USD 1-month LIBOR by 1.60% for HUSD-R units, by 1.10% for HUSD-SR units, and by 2% for HUSD-I units;
- the GBP 1-month LIBOR by 2% for HGBP-I units;
over its minimum recommended investment period, after the deduction of management and operating fees.