Li Auto and GDS Holdings Are Rising Today, While PDD Holdings Is Falling

07.10.24 17:57 Uhr

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Chinese stocks are once again in the limelight today, as analysts debate how much farther the rally could run and as treasuries bounced after a blowout jobs report on Friday. Shares of the electric-car maker Li Auto (NASDAQ: LI) and data center operator GDS Holdings (NASDAQ: GDS) traded 2% and 1.5% higher, respectively. Meanwhile, the e-commerce company PDD Holdings (NASDAQ: PDD) had fallen nearly 2%, despite an analyst upgrade this morning.Since the Chinese government and central bank announced a broad range of stimulus initiatives, Chinese stocks have surged as hedge funds and other institutional investors bought the beaten-down sector. The Hang Seng index, which is composed of major Chinese stocks listed in Hong Kong, has now surged 34% over the last month.The question among analysts is whether the rally can continue despite struggles in the Chinese economy, including high unemployment, a housing downturn, and weak consumer demand. The Chinese government is targeting 5% growth in gross domestic product this year, a target several economists and analysts have questioned.Continue readingWeiter zum vollständigen Artikel bei MotleyFool

Ausgewählte Hebelprodukte auf GDS

Mit Knock-outs können spekulative Anleger überproportional an Kursbewegungen partizipieren. Wählen Sie einfach den gewünschten Hebel und wir zeigen Ihnen passende Open-End Produkte auf GDS


Quelle: MotleyFool

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