Templeton Emerging Markets Smaller Companies Fund W-H1 Fonds

9,34 EUR -0,06 EUR -0,64 %
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Top Holdings

Chart Asset Allocation
Name ISIN Anteil
Bajaj Holdings and Investment Ltd INE118A01012 6,20%
FPT Corp VN000000FPT1 4,80%
International Container Terminal Services Inc PHY411571011 3,45%
Novatek Microelectronics Corp TW0003034005 2,92%
The Federal Bank Ltd INE171A01029 2,90%
Synnex Technology International Corp TW0002347002 2,65%
Mobile World Investment Corp VN000000MWG0 2,54%
Zomato Ltd INE758T01015 2,06%
Chemical Works of Gedeon Richter PLC HU0000123096 1,92%
Poya International Co Ltd TW0005904007 1,91%
Sonstige 68,65%