M&G (Lux) Emerging Markets Bond Fund B-H Fonds

6,57 EUR -0,01 EUR -0,09 %
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Top Holdings

Chart Asset Allocation
Name ISIN Anteil
Northern Trust Global US Dollar D IE00B12VWH86 5,65%
Russian Federation 8.15% RU000A0JS3W6 2,97%
Secretaria Tesouro Nacional 10% BRSTNCNTF1Q6 2,74%
Republic of Singapore 1.25% SG31B0000009 2,01%
Malaysia (Government Of) 3.88% MYBMI1700018 1,90%
Mexico (United Mexican States) 8.5% MX0MGO0000J5 1,90%
The Republic of Peru 8.2% PEP01000C0J9 1,63%
Indonesia (Republic of) 8.25% IDG000011602 1,55%
Hungary (Republic Of) 1.62% XS2161992511 1,48%
Albania(Republic Of) 3.5% XS1877938404 1,40%
Sonstige 76,75%