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99,24 CHF +0,07 CHF +0,07 %
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Top Holdings

Chart Asset Allocation
Name ISIN Anteil
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 0.875% GB00BM8Z2S21 1,26%
Societe Des Grands Projets (SOGRPR) 1.125% FR0013372299 1,05%
Corporacion Andina de Fomento 0.625% XS2081543204 0,97%
Statkraft AS 2.875% XS2532312548 0,96%
Kreditanstalt Fur Wiederaufbau 1.75% US500769JD71 0,96%
Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 2.15% US89236TGU34 0,95%
Evonik Industries AG 2.25% XS2485162163 0,94%
Caixabank S.A. 3.75% XS2530034649 0,88%
Vodafone Group PLC 0.9% XS2002017361 0,87%
Kommunalbanken AS 5.25% AU3CB0303519 0,87%
Sonstige 90,31%