DPAM L - Bonds Government Sustainable W Fonds

1.224,40 EUR -1,44 EUR -0,12 %
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Chart Asset Allocation
Name ISIN Anteil
Euro Schatz Future Sept 24 DE000F0FSQQ6 10,47%
Euro Bobl Future Sept 24 8,07%
Austria (Republic of) 2% AT0000A308C5 3,18%
Kreditanstalt Fur Wiederaufbau 3.75% US500769JW52 3,09%
Austria (Republic of) 0.75% AT0000A1ZGE4 2,96%
France (Republic Of) 0.75% FR001400AIN5 2,91%
Denmark (Kingdom Of) 0.5% DK0009923807 2,82%
New Zealand (Government Of) 4.5% NZGOVDT427C1 2,64%
Euro Bund Future Sept 24 2,48%
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 0.125% GB00BL68HJ26 2,43%
Sonstige 58,94%