Capital Group Global Intermediate Bond Fund (LUX) C Fonds

11,80 USD ±0,00 USD ±0,00 %
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Top Holdings

Chart Asset Allocation
Name ISIN Anteil
Federal National Mortgage Association 5% US31418FDA21 9,29%
United States Treasury Notes 1.625% US91282CCB54 3,59%
Spain (Kingdom of) 0.8% ES0000012G26 3,44%
Japan (Government Of) JP1103601LA4 3,04%
Italy (Republic Of) 3% IT0005611055 2,98%
Italy (Republic Of) 0.95% IT0005449969 2,96%
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1.25% GB00BDRHNP05 2,72%
Fnma Pass-Thru I 6% US3140QVE919 2,45%
Japan (Government Of) 0.1% JP1103461H35 2,12%
China (People's Republic Of) CND10007YHJ0 2,07%
Sonstige 65,36%