Increase the value of its assets over the medium term by investing primarily in mainland Chinese equities. This sub-fund invests at least 75% of its assets in equities and/or equity equivalent securities issued by companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in the People’s Republic of China, or in divisions of shares, fully or partially paid up, in registered or bearer form, issued by such companies. Exposure to Mainland China securities will mostly be made by investments via the FII and/or Stock Connect, and/or P-Notes. The remaining portion, namely a maximum of 25% of its assets, may be invested in other equities, debt securities, Money Market Instruments, or cash, provided that investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets, those in UCITS or UCIs 10% of its assets, and those in any other transferable securities 5% of its assets.
BNP Paribas Funds China A-Shares Classic Distribution Fonds