You'll Be Shocked at These 5 Companies Warren Buffett Could Buy With Cash Right Now

05.11.24 13:03 Uhr

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Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A)(NYSE: BRK.B) recently revealed that it now has over $325 billion in cash and short-term investments on its balance sheet, by far the most it has ever had. This is a result of some major stock sales, the ongoing profitability of Berkshire's operating businesses, and a lack of stock buybacks recently.To put it mildly, $325 billion gives Berkshire and its CEO Warren Buffett unprecedented financial flexibility to pursue opportunities, including a potential massive acquisition, which Buffett has been hoping for the chance to make for years.In fact, there are only 23 U.S. companies that have market caps greater than Berkshire Hathaway's cash stockpile as of this writing. Between the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq, there are more than 5,400 companies that Berkshire could theoretically buy in cash.Continue readingWeiter zum vollständigen Artikel bei MotleyFool

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Quelle: MotleyFool

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