This Could Be the Next Major Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stock to Undergo a Stock Split
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In recent months, artificial intelligence (AI) stocks have been a focus of stock-split stocks. This began last year, as Amazon and Alphabet initiated splits when pre-split stock prices exceeded $2,000 per share. Nvidia and Broadcom followed this year when pre-split prices reached four figures.Knowing this, it may surprise investors that a stock with a much lower price is likely to split soon. Nonetheless, as its growth as an AI stock continues, a split should not only make sense, but also serve its investors well.When looking for AI-driven stock splits, investors should look to Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT). Admittedly, at a nominal price barely above $400 per share, this might come as a surprise to investors at first glance. With some AI stocks well above that price, investors might see other names as more logical targets.Continue readingWeiter zum vollständigen Artikel bei MotleyFool
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