Is Genmab (GMAB) Stock Undervalued Right Now?

15.10.24 15:40 Uhr

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197,80 EUR 4,05 EUR 2,09%


2.368,7 PKT 69,3 PKT 3,01%

1.710,6 PKT 43,5 PKT 2,61%

While the proven Zacks Rank places an emphasis on earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find strong stocks, we also know that investors tend to develop their own individual strategies. With this in mind, we are always looking at value, growth, and momentum trends to discover great companies.Of these, value investing is easily one of the most popular ways to find great stocks in any market environment. Value investors use fundamental analysis and traditional valuation metrics to find stocks that they believe are being undervalued by the market at large.Zacks has developed the innovative Style Scores system to highlight stocks with specific traits. For example, value investors will be interested in stocks with great grades in the "Value" category. When paired with a high Zacks Rank, "A" grades in the Value category are among the strongest value stocks on the market today.Genmab (GMAB) is a stock many investors are watching right now. GMAB is currently sporting a Zacks Rank of #2 (Buy), as well as a Value grade of A.Another notable valuation metric for GMAB is its P/B ratio of 3.48. The P/B ratio pits a stock's market value against its book value, which is defined as total assets minus total liabilities. This stock's P/B looks attractive against its industry's average P/B of 3.97. Over the past 12 months, GMAB's P/B has been as high as 5.13 and as low as 3.46, with a median of 4.11.Value investors also frequently use the P/S ratio. This metric is found by dividing a stock's price with the company's revenue. This is a popular metric because sales are harder to manipulate on an income statement, so they are often considered a better performance indicator. GMAB has a P/S ratio of 5.69. This compares to its industry's average P/S of 6.94.These figures are just a handful of the metrics value investors tend to look at, but they help show that Genmab is likely being undervalued right now. Considering this, as well as the strength of its earnings outlook, GMAB feels like a great value stock at the moment.Infrastructure Stock Boom to Sweep AmericaA massive push to rebuild the crumbling U.S. infrastructure will soon be underway. It’s bipartisan, urgent, and inevitable. Trillions will be spent. Fortunes will be made.The only question is “Will you get into the right stocks early when their growth potential is greatest?”Zacks has released a Special Report to help you do just that, and today it’s free. Discover 5 special companies that look to gain the most from construction and repair to roads, bridges, and buildings, plus cargo hauling and energy transformation on an almost unimaginable scale.Download FREE: How To Profit From Trillions On Spending For Infrastructure >>Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report Genmab A/S Sponsored ADR (GMAB): Free Stock Analysis ReportTo read this article on click here.Zacks Investment ResearchWeiter zum vollständigen Artikel bei Zacks

Ausgewählte Hebelprodukte auf Genmab A-S

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Quelle: Zacks

Nachrichten zu Genmab A-S

Analysen zu Genmab A-S

27.03.2007Genmab zugreifenGlobal Biotech Investing
19.08.2005Genmab outperformGoldman Sachs
25.01.2005Genmab: OutperformGoldman Sachs
27.03.2007Genmab zugreifenGlobal Biotech Investing
19.08.2005Genmab outperformGoldman Sachs
25.01.2005Genmab: OutperformGoldman Sachs

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Alle: Alle Empfehlungen

Buy: Kaufempfehlungen wie z.B. "kaufen" oder "buy"
Hold: Halten-Empfehlungen wie z.B. "halten" oder "neutral"
Sell: Verkaufsempfehlungn wie z.B. "verkaufen" oder "reduce"